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Common Name: Wintergreen
Latin Name: Gaultheria procumbens
Annual/Perennial: Perennial
Sun/Shade: shade
Height/Width: low growing ground cover, 8-10 inches
Bloom Time: berries late fall into winter
Zone: 3-7
Parts of Plant Used: leaves cooked in tea (do not eat raw!), berries
Medicinal Benefits: pain, inflamation, topical analgesic, anesthetic, bladder, kidneys dieurtic, dropsy, rheumatism, mout or throat infections, arthritis, back, sprains, boils,
Note: Do NOT use if you are allergic to aspirin, children should NOT consume this plant because of the Salicylic Acid.
Ways to Use: poultice, infused oil, tea, tonic
Recipes: Pain Oil – 20 drops of Wintergreen Essential Oil, 10 drops Peppermint Essential Oil, 10 Drops Yarrow Essential Oil, Almond Oil to fill. Place all Essential oils in a 10 ml Roller Bottle. Add Almond Oil to fill. Shake lightly. Rub on area of pain.